
How to conduct employee onboarding surveys in Microsoft Teams?

Automate onboarding surveys: blog post cover

As a whole, the onboarding process exists to evaluate whether a new hire and the organization they’ve just joined is a good fit, as well as helping them acclimate to their new workplace and responsibilities.

The question is:

How does one evaluate the onboarding process itself?

How can a company identify the parts of its onboarding program that are doing more harm than good?

While conducting an employee onboarding survey is the best way to measure the effectiveness of an onboarding program it is also crucial to make sure the surveys being sent out are:

  • Easy to complete
  • In the flow of work
  • Can be analyzed efficiently

To make sure your onboarding surveys tick these boxes, this blog post will show you how you can conduct surveys with your new hires inside the best communication and collaboration platform for work: Microsoft Teams!

The Purpose of Employee Onboarding Surveys

The primary purpose of onboarding surveys is to understand how well new employees are acclimating to their roles and to identify any areas that may require improvement. By gauging the new hire onboarding experience, organizations can reap the following benefits:

  • Enhancing the New Hire Experience: By collecting feedback on the onboarding process, organizations can make necessary adjustments to ensure new hires feel welcomed, supported, and well-prepared for their roles.
  • Identifying Areas for Improvement: Onboarding surveys can highlight specific aspects of the process that may be lacking or need refinement, allowing HR teams to make targeted improvements.
  • Ensuring Alignment with Company Values and Goals: Surveys help ensure that the onboarding process aligns with the company’s culture and strategic objectives, fostering a sense of belonging and purpose among new hires.
  • Facilitating Continuous Improvement: Regularly collecting and analyzing feedback from onboarding surveys enables organizations to continuously enhance their onboarding practices, making them more effective over time.

Optimal Frequency for Onboarding Surveys

While the question of “What is the right frequency for onboarding surveys?” is a valid one, it is also a question that clearly depends on the organizational culture, their approach to the onboarding process, and specifically, the length of the employee onboarding period in question. Afterall, each organization has a slightly different employee onboarding checklist.

That being said, a relatively common practice is to conduct onboarding surveys at the following intervals:

1. Initial Survey: First Week

It helps capture immediate impressions and address any early challenges.

2. Follow-Up Survey: First Month

Its main purpose is to evaluate how well new hires are settling into their roles and identify any ongoing issues.

3. Mid-Point Survey: 60 Days

Used in tracking ongoing progress and addressing new challenges that may have emerged.

4. Comprehensive Survey: 90 Days

Serves as a proxy to onboarding reviews and helps obtain a holistic view of the new hire’s experience and identify areas for long-term improvement.

Why Conduct Onboarding Surveys Over Microsoft Teams?

So what makes Microsoft Teams the right platform for your surveys? Regardless of its purpose and nature, surveys need to be conducted in an environment where your team communicates with each other during their day-to-day operations.

The most important metric for a successful survey is its response rate.

When you conduct surveys inside a centralized communication and collaboration hub that your team uses on a regular basis, you are guaranteeing a much higher survey completion rate.

Another reason is the fact that Microsoft Teams can be fully customized and enhanced with third-party apps. While Microsoft Teams has relatively lackluster survey capabilities on its own, it can seamlessly integrate with the right survey tool to offer the best possible experience.

In this post, we will show you how you can use the highest-rated employee onboarding application in the Microsoft Teams App Store, Teamflect, to conduct your employee onboarding surveys without ever having to leave Teams.

Step 1: A Survey App for Microsoft Teams – Teamflect

Teams App Store - Teamflect
The Highest-Rated Performance Management Software for Microsoft Teams

In order to start conducting surveys inside Microsoft Teams right away, all you have to do is look for the Teamflect app inside the Microsoft Teams App Store.

Since you can log in to the app using your Microsoft Account, you won’t need to sign up, create an account, or put any payment information in.

Teamflect Dashboard
An All-in-One Performance Management Platform

You’ll also be glad to know that Teamflect automatically accesses your organizational chart through Entra ID, the same way Microsoft Teams does, having all your employees’ information readily available inside the app.

Step 2: Select and Automate Survey Template

Teamflect has an extensive library of survey templates available for every possible scenario in mind. These templates can be used as they are, or they can be fully customized. Users can also simply create survey templates of their own.

Onboarding surveys inside Microsoft Teams can be conducted in two separate ways: Manually or Automated.

Survey template selection in Teamflect
Onboarding Survey’s are one of many available templates in Teamflect.

In order to conduct an onboarding survey manually, all you have to do is:

  • Access the Surveys Module.
  • Select the Onboarding Survey Template
  • Select Respondents
  • Send the Survey Out

The objective best practice however is to automate these surveys to be conducted automatically, at intervals of your choice, or simply after a certain number of days into a new hire’s employment.

Onboarding survey automation scenarios
Select your desired survey automation scenario.

Depending on your organization’s approach to the onboarding process, you can submit select the right onboarding survey automation scenario for you.

Whether you choose to automate your surveys periodically or go with the “New hire automation” scenario, you will be providing your team with a more structured onboarding experience that saves time and mitigates the risk of making mistakes.

As opposed to manually sending a survey out every single time, you will have an automated onboarding survey system you will only set up once.

Step 3: New Hires Complete Surveys

Onboarding Survey Template
Various question types such as Open-ended, Multiple Choice, and Rating.

Once a survey has been sent out, new hires receive notifications to complete them. Pulse surveys are sent out in the form of adaptive cards inside Microsoft Teams chat and they can be filled out right then and there.

This level of simplicity is what ensures high survey completion rates. Regardless of the platform you are using or the type of survey you are conducting, the entire process should be in the flow of work and easily accessible.

Step 4: Analyze Survey Results

Survey Result Analysis screen
Survey results can be viewed and analyzed with ease.

Once surveys have been completed, people leaders can analyze survey results with ease. They also have the option to “Generate a Report with AI”.

This AI report helps individuals analyze surveys that have been sent out to large numbers, providing them with actionable insights in a matter of seconds.

If there is more than one iteration of the same survey, the AI-generated reports feature can also compare the latter surveys with previous ones.

Ready to Conduct Onboarding Surveys in Microsoft Teams?

Utilizing platforms like Microsoft Teams to conduct these surveys ensures a seamless, integrated, and efficient approach, ultimately leading to higher employee satisfaction and retention. If you are curious about trying Teamflect for your onboarding process or performance management in general, you can start exploring the platform for free, today!

Manage performance inside Microsoft Teams
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Frequently Asked Questions About Onboarding Surveys

What is an onboarding survey?

An onboarding survey is a tool used to gather feedback from new hires about their onboarding experience, helping organizations to improve their onboarding process.

Why are onboarding surveys important?

Onboarding surveys provide valuable insights into the new hire experience, identifying areas for improvement and ensuring that the onboarding process meets the needs of new employees.

When should onboarding surveys be conducted?

Onboarding surveys should be conducted at various stages, such as after the first week, first month, and at the end of the onboarding process, to capture comprehensive feedback.

What questions should be included in an onboarding survey?

Questions should cover topics such as the clarity of role expectations, the helpfulness of training materials, the support provided by the team, and the overall onboarding experience.

How can onboarding survey results be used?

Survey results can be analyzed to identify trends and areas for improvement, guiding changes in the onboarding process to enhance the experience for future hires.

What are the best practices for conducting onboarding surveys?

Best practices include keeping surveys short and focused, ensuring anonymity, using a mix of question types, and acting on the feedback received.

Written by Emre Ok

Emre is a content writer at Teamflect who aims to share fun and unique insight into the world of performance management.

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