
60 Best Helpful Onboarding Survey Questions

Employee onboarding surveys are a key part of any onboarding program. But onboarding surveys are only as good as the onboarding survey questions you ask in them!

Creating your own onboarding survey for new hires can be challenging. That is why not only did we put together a list of the 60 best onboarding survey questions you can ask, but also the best practices surrounding employee onboarding surveys.

In this article, you will find onboarding survey questions for three separate occasions as well as tips and tricks into creating the best onboarding program for your new hires!

What is an employee onboarding survey?

There isn’t a lot of reason to beat around the bush when it comes to onboarding surveys. At its core, an employee onboarding survey is a questionnaire designed for new hires, in order to gauge different variables during their onboarding process such as employee engagement, satisfaction, integration into company culture, and the overall effectiveness of the organization’s new hire onboarding programs.

Onboarding surveys when utilized in conjunction with employee onboarding templates, can greatly help with talent mapping, helping organizations identify high performers with ease.

Employee Onboarding Best Practices

onboarding survey questions

While we have explored the best practices around onboarding new hires in previous articles, let’s take a brief detour and talk about some of the key best practices of employee onboarding:

1. Focus on preboarding

Initiating the onboarding process prior to the official start date of a new employee is an essential best practice that can have a significant influence on their overall experience and success within the company.

Pre-boarding plays a vital role in establishing a seamless transition and it helps new hires feel more supported even before physically entering the workplace or starting their profesional journey. A great way to boost the efficiency of your preboarding is to create an employee onboarding checklist and stick to it.

2. Tailor the onboarding experience to the individual

While we all enjoy feeling like we belong, there is a big difference between belonging and being put in a box. Every new hire is unique. They all bring something new to the table. That is why their onboarding processes can’t be expected to be the same.

Tailoring employee onboarding plans to the individual may seem easier said than done. After all, you don’t know these individuals completely.

The best way to customize your employee onboarding process is to study the data from your employee onboarding surveys and employee review templates and make changes based on those results.

3. Form mentor-buddy relationships

You can invest in all the fancy training programs in the world and non of them will be as helpful as a workplace buddy having the new hire’s back and showing them the ropes.

Creating buddy programs between veterans and new hires is a great way to ease your new employees into the organization while also showing your veteran employees that you respect their tenure and leadership skills.

4. Onboarding remote employees with onboarding software

When onboarding remote employees, it is crucial to invest in employee onboarding software. There are some incredible onboarding platforms out there that can help you with remote employee onboarding. In fact, we’ve listed some of them right here: 14 Best Employee Onboarding Software

The key is to pick the tool that makes life the easiest for you. The new hire onboarding software you pick should be fully integrated into your main communication platform. For example: If you use Microsoft Teams on a daily basis…

Best Employee Onboarding Software for Microsoft Teams: Teamflect

onboarding survey questions

Teamflect is an all-in-one performance management software designed specifically to be integrated into Microsoft Teams. Teamflect has a wide array of features that make it the best Microsoft Teams employee onboarding platform such as:

  • Automated onboarding tasks: Create onboarding tasks for any department of your choice and automate them so new hires receive their onboarding tasks automatically.
  • Onboarding Surveys: Use Teamflect’s premade employee onboarding survey templates or create some of your own to conduct employee onboarding questionnaires inside Teams or Outlook. Oh, you can automate these surveys too!
  • Mentorship & Buddy Programs: Create custom relationship labels between your employees such as “mentor/mentee” and initiate mentorship programs in your organization. Improve those programs with mentorship program reviews.
If you want to see how you can onboard new hires inside Microsoft Teams, this is the video for you!

Some other helpful Teamflect features include but aren’t limited to:

The best part is, Teamflect is completely free for up to 10 users with full functionality. We aren’t talking about a limited trial period or a lite version with limited functionality!

This way you can try Teamflect out with 10 people for as long as you want, get their feedback, and then you can decide whether you want to invest in it or not!

Use the best onboarding platform for Microsoft Teams!
No sign-up required.
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60 Best Employee Onboarding Survey Questions

Fear not, dear reader! We won’t be listing all sixty of our onboarding survey questions back to back, making you pick from a massive pool of onboarding survey questions.

Instead, we divided our onboarding survey questions into three separate sections, based on how deep into the onboarding process the onboarding surveys will be conducted and these onboarding survey questions will be asked.

If you’ve ever visited our blog before, you might definitely know that we have a particular fondness for 30-60-90 day plans. That is why we wanted to create onboarding survey questions to be asked across the first 30-60-90 day employee onboarding surveys.

Inside those categories, we divided the onboarding survey questions even further, this time according to the purpose they serve.

While there is a place for asking questions for the sake of asking them, that is not the case with onboarding survey questions.

Your onboarding survey questions for new hires should always serve a purpose: Helping both you and your employees grow. So here are some of the best onboarding survey questions you can find anywhere!

30 Day Onboarding Survey Questions

The first month on the job can be a bit difficult for new employees. That is why the 30 day mark is a great check-in point when you are onboarding new hires.

Whether you choose to go with a 30 day performance review template or a simple onboarding survey, the onboarding survey questions we’ve highlighted below are designed to provide you with insight into a new hire’s first 30 days in your organization.

We divided these onboarding survey questions into four categories with five new employee survey questions in each of them.

In the first 30 day section of our new hire onboarding survey questions, we covered the overall new hire onboarding experience, clarity of responsibilities and expectations (something we will be going back to further down the list, supportiveness in the workplace, and their experience with training.

These new hire survey questions serve two key purposes; Checking how the new hire is acclimating; Gauging the effectiveness of your new hire onboarding process.

Overall Onboarding Experience:

  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your overall onboarding experience thus far?
  • Were you provided with enough information about the company’s values, mission, and culture during the onboarding process?
  • Did the onboarding process help you feel welcomed and included in the organization?
  • Were you given a clear understanding of the onboarding timeline and what to expect during the first 30 days?
  • Do you feel confident that the onboarding process has adequately prepared you for your role?

Clarity of Job Responsibilities and Expectations:

  • Are your job responsibilities clearly defined and aligned with what was communicated during the hiring process?
  • Have you received sufficient information about your key tasks and deliverables?
  • Do you feel comfortable asking questions about your job responsibilities and receiving clarification when needed?
  • Have you been introduced to key stakeholders and departments that you will be collaborating with in your role?

Support Received from Colleagues and Managers:

  • Have you received support and guidance from your immediate supervisor or manager during your first 30 days?
  • Do you feel comfortable approaching your colleagues and seeking assistance when needed?
  • Have you been introduced to a mentor or buddy who can help navigate your onboarding journey?
  • Have you had opportunities to connect and build relationships with colleagues outside your immediate team?
  • Are you satisfied with the level of support and guidance provided by your team members and managers?

Training Effectiveness and Relevance:

  • How effective were the training programs or sessions provided to you during the onboarding process?
  • Did the training adequately cover the necessary skills and knowledge for your role?
  • Did the training materials and resources help you understand your job responsibilities better?
  • Do you feel confident in applying what you’ve learned during the training to your day-to-day tasks?
  • Did the training address any specific areas or challenges you anticipated for your role?

60-Day Onboarding Survey Questions

When it comes to the onboarding process, the 60 day mark usually rests smack dab in the middle of it. It is a great spot to conduct onboarding performance reviews, as well as send out another set of new hire surveys.

The insight you gain from your the new hire survey questions you ask at the 60-day mark can help you alter your onboarding strategies and course correct.

The onboarding survey questions we’ve selected for 60 Day onboarding survey templates include the following subsections: Understanding company culture, Integration into team dynamics, aligning personal goals with company goals, and comfort level with existing responsibilities.

Progress in Understanding Company Culture and Values:

  • How well do you understand the company’s core values and how they align with your personal values?
  • Have you observed consistent behaviors among employees that reflect the stated company culture?
  • Do you feel that the company’s culture and values are actively promoted and reinforced in day-to-day operations?
  • Are there any aspects of the company’s culture or values that you still find unclear or need more clarification on?
  • Have you had opportunities to participate in activities or initiatives that promote the company’s culture and values?

Integration into Team Dynamics and Collaboration:

  • Do you feel welcomed and included as part of your team?
  • Have you been given opportunities to collaborate with team members on projects or assignments?
  • Have you had a chance to meet and interact with colleagues from different teams or departments?
  • Are there clear channels for communication and collaboration within your team?
  • Do you feel comfortable sharing ideas, opinions, and feedback within your team?

C. Alignment of Personal Goals with Company Goals:

  • How well do you understand the company’s overall goals and objectives?
  • Have you received clarity on how your individual goals contribute to the company’s larger objectives?
  • Do you feel that your personal goals align with the goals and vision of the organization?
  • Are there any areas where you require more guidance or support to align your goals with the company’s goals?
  • Have you had opportunities to discuss your goals with your manager and receive feedback on their alignment with company goals?

D. Comfort Level with Job Tasks and Responsibilities:

  • How comfortable do you feel in performing your job tasks independently?
  • Have you received sufficient training and support to carry out your responsibilities effectively?
  • Are there any specific job tasks or responsibilities that you would like more guidance or training on?
  • Do you feel that your workload is manageable and aligned with your job description?
  • Are there any challenges or obstacles you have encountered in performing your job tasks?

90 Day Onboarding Survey Questions

It isn’t about how you start but how you finish. This sentiment puts a lot of pressure on the 90 day onboarding survey questions. 3 months on the job is a great period of time to form strong partnerships and overcome challenges with your new brothers in arms.

It is also, coincidentally, a great spot to end probation reviews. The results you gain from asking our first 90-day onboarding questions can help you measure some extremely important employee performance metrics and determine who the high performers with great potential really are.

Our 90 day onboarding survey questions are also designed to help users identify some of the key issues that are wrong with their onboarding programs in general.

We divided the onboarding survey questionnaire into four sections once again: Adaptation to company goals, engagement and involvement in company initiatives, career development-related onboarding survey questions, and we closed out the show with questions on overall satisfaction with the onboarding process.

Adaptation to Company Culture and Values:

  • How well do you feel you have adapted to the company’s culture and values during your first 90 days?
  • Have you actively embraced and demonstrated the company’s core values in your work and interactions?
  • Do you feel a sense of alignment between your personal values and the company’s values?
  • Have you encountered any challenges or areas where you feel you need further support in adapting to the company culture and values?
  • Have you received recognition or feedback on your integration with the company’s culture and values?

Engagement and Involvement in Company Initiatives:

  • Have you actively participated in company-wide initiatives or projects that align with your interests or skills?
  • Do you feel that your contributions and ideas have been valued and utilized within the organization?
  • Have you had opportunities to collaborate with colleagues from different departments or teams on cross-functional initiatives?
  • Are you aware of the various channels or platforms available to share your thoughts and suggestions for company improvement?
  • Have you been involved in any employee resource groups or clubs that promote collaboration and employee engagement?

Opportunities for Career Growth and Development:

  • Have you had discussions with your manager or HR about your career aspirations and development goals?
  • Are you aware of the various training and development programs available to enhance your skills and knowledge?
  • Have you been provided with opportunities to take on new challenges or projects that contribute to your professional growth?
  • Do you feel supported in exploring potential career paths within the organization?
  • Have you received feedback or guidance on areas of improvement or development opportunities related to your role?

Overall Satisfaction with the Onboarding Experience:

  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with the overall onboarding experience during your first 90 days?
  • Did the onboarding process effectively introduce you to the company’s mission, vision, and goals?
  • Were your expectations met in terms of support, guidance, and resources provided during the onboarding period?
  • Is there any aspect of the onboarding process that you believe could be improved for future hires?
  • How likely are you to recommend the company’s onboarding process to others based on your experience?

Why are onboarding surveys important?

Establishing a positive employee experience

Onboarding surveys allow new hires to provide feedback on their onboarding journey, making sure that they feel supported, valued, and engaged right from the start. They set the tone for a positive employee experience and create a sense of belonging.

Gathering feedback for process improvement

Employee onboarding surveys serve as a valuable tool for collecting feedback on the onboarding process. They uncover pain points, bottlenecks, and areas that can be improved which helps organizations refine their onboarding strategies and create a smoother and more effective employee onboarding experience.

Identifying training and development needs

By collecting feedback from new employees, onboarding surveys shed light on their training and development needs. This information enables organizations to tailor their programs and resources to make sure your new hires have the necessary tools and support to succeed in their roles.

Enhancing employee engagement and retention

Onboarding surveys provide an opportunity for new hires to have a voice and feel involved in the organization’s processes. When employees feel heard and valued, their engagement levels soar, which leads to higher job satisfaction and increased retention rates.

What are the benefits of onboarding surveys?

Conducting employee onboarding surveys is a strategic practice that offers a plethora of benefits to organizations aiming to optimize their onboarding process and enhance new employee experiences. 

Employee onboarding surveys, including the 30 60 90 day survey for new hires, onboarding satisfaction surveys, and onboarding questionnaires play a pivotal role in shaping a productive and engaging work environment. Here are the key benefits of implementing these surveys:

1. Enhanced Employee Experience

Onboarding surveys, such as the new hire survey or onboarding satisfaction survey, provide immediate feedback on the new employee’s experience. 

This feedback from new hires helps identify aspects of the onboarding process that are effective and those that require improvement, allowing both the new hire to feel heard and the company to respond to the new hires’ issues promptly.

By incorporating new hire check-in questions at various stages (30, 60, 90 days), organizations can implement support systems and interventions based on individual employee feedback, fostering a sense of belonging and support.

2. Data-Driven Insights

Onboarding questionnaires and surveys provide valuable data that can be analyzed to continually refine and improve the onboarding process. When companies use employee onboarding questionnaires they adapt to changing needs and remain competitive in attracting and retaining top talent.

The 30-60-90 day onboarding survey questions allow organizations to benchmark the progress and satisfaction of new hires at critical intervals, ensuring that the onboarding process aligns with the expected outcomes and employee development trajectories.

3. Increased Retention and Engagement

Early identification of potential issues or pain points through onboarding surveys can lead to swift interventions, reducing the likelihood of early turnover and disengagement.

Engaging employees from the start through a thoughtful onboarding process, informed by survey feedback, lays the foundation for long-term engagement and commitment to the organization.

4. Fostering Open Communication

Onboarding surveys signal to new hires that their opinions are valued and that open communication is encouraged, setting a positive tone for their ongoing relationship with the organization.

Asking for their input through surveys helps new employees feel empowered and acknowledged, which can boost morale and foster a culture of inclusivity and respect.

How to create an employee onboarding survey?

To create an employee onboarding survey, you need to include Likert-scale and open-ended questions. We provided you with three onboarding surveys at the end of this article and we have listed the best onboarding questions. You can customize these survey questions according to your needs.

Common mistakes to avoid with onboarding surveys

Creating an employee onboarding questionnaire may seem straightforward. However, there are certain mistakes you might make and they include:

1. Overwhelming the employees with too many questions

When you ask too many employee onboarding questions in a single survey and you may overwhelm your new hires. People’s attention span is getting shorter every day so the amount of questions might make the onboarding satisfaction survey difficult to complete. Instead, you can ask the most important new employee survey questions to keep your new hires focused.

2. Not customizing the survey

If you personalize your employee onboarding surveys, you show your new employees that their company cares about them. Simply adding their names would contribute to making them feel valued.

3. Including biased questions

Biased onboarding survey questions that influence your new employees will prevent them from expressing their authentic self. You want them to answer questions as honestly as possible but when you include biased questions they might change their answers to please you.

Free Onboarding Survey Templates

30-Day Employee Onboarding Survey

The analysis of the first 30 days of your new hire can reveal a lot about how compatible your new employee is with your organization. It can also reveal how successful your onboarding process is.

With the 30-day employee onboarding survey template below, you will gain insight into the initial 30 days of your onboarding. And by gaining insight, you’ll be able to assist your new hires better.

employee onboarding survey

60-Day Employee Onboarding Survey

The analysis of the first two months will allow you to understand if your new hire feels like a part of your organization or not. Furthermore, if you receive negative feedback about your onboarding, you can alter your onboarding strategies to make it more effective.

employee onboarding survey

90-Day Employee Onboarding Survey

onboarding survey questions

With a 90-day employee onboarding survey, you can measure key performance metrics and identify promising employees. As with the two other survey templates above, it will allow you to gain valuable insight into the effectiveness of your onboarding process as well.

Closing Words

Onboarding surveys allow you to understand if your new employees are integrated into your company or not. If you liked the free templates and the onboarding survey questions we provided, you should schedule a free demo with Teamflect by clicking the button below!

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Written by Emre Ok

Emre is a content writer at Teamflect who aims to share fun and unique insight into the world of performance management.

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