
10 Amazing Ways To Engage Remote Employees

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Are you struggling to motivate and engage remote employees? If so, you’re not alone. With the rise of remote work, many companies are facing the challenge of how to keep their employees engaged and productive, no matter where they are located. Managing remote teams is harder since remote work takes away from the office environment experience that creates a workplace culture.  

Employee engagement is crucial for any organization’s success, and this is especially true for remote teams. When employees feel connected to their work and their colleagues, they are more likely to be productive, innovative, and satisfied with their jobs.

However, with remote work, it can be challenging to create a sense of community and collaboration among team members who are geographically dispersed. 

Fortunately, there are many effective strategies that you can use to engage and motivate your remote employees. In this post, we’ll be exploring the importance of remote employee engagement and sharing

10 practical ways to keep your team connected, productive, and motivated, no matter where they are. These tips will help you build a culture of engagement and support your remote employees in achieving their goals. So, let’s dive in and discover these essential strategies for remote employee engagement! 

How To Engage Remote Employees?

Implement An Employee Engagement Software 

Consider investing in employee engagement software that can help you manage all aspects of employee life, including recognition programs, performance reviews, goal setting, benefits enrollment, professional development and more. Y

ou can also use it to create your own culture of innovation – whether it’s at the corporate level or within individual teams across different locations – as well as any other element that ensures people are enjoying their day-to-day work lives.  

Employee engagement software can be an invaluable tool for any organization that wants to foster a culture of innovation. Employee engagement software helps you manage all aspects of employee life, including recognition programs, performance reviews and goal setting.

You can also use it to create your own culture of innovation – whether it’s at the corporate level or within individual teams across different locations – as well as any other element that ensures people are enjoying their day-to-day work lives.  

If you are looking for employee engagement software, then we compiled the best ones of 2024 right here: 15 Best Employee Engagement Software of 2024

We do, however, have a specific suggestion for you if you’re using Microsoft Teams as a collaboration tool. Teamflect is an all-in-one employee engagement software that is seamlessly integrated into Microsoft Teams.

Teamflect’s seamless integration into Microsoft Teams also means that 360-degree feedback, employee pulse survey templates and performance review templates can be accessed without leaving the communication app you use.

recognition software to engage remote employees
Teamflect’s recognition module

Teamflect also provides users with:

Measure Employee Engagement in Microsoft Teams!
No sign-up required.
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Communicate Effectively

Clear communication is essential for building trust, fostering collaboration and achieving common goals—no matter whether you’re communicating with coworkers in the same room or team members who are located remote. 

First and foremost, clear communication is critical for remote teams. When clear communication isn’t happening, misunderstandings can lead to crucial information being missed by team members—which ultimately results in decreased productivity.

Therefore, it’s crucial to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that information is conveyed clearly and engage remote employees.  

There are many communication tools that can help remote teams stay connected and work well together, including video conferencing such as Microsoft Teams, instant messaging and project management software.

These tools to engage remote employees can help you create an environment where your employees can collaborate and communicate in real time, regardless of their location. 

Remote workers often find it difficult to stay motivated without seeing their coworkers every day, so having video conferences every week or two can help keep everyone engaged with what’s going on in the office (and vice versa).

Some companies even hold internal meetings via video conference once a month as part of their onboarding process –this allows new hires an opportunity not only learn about company culture but also get comfortable with their new colleagues before they start working together regularly! 

Set Up Clear Expectations

It is important to set clear goals and expectations for employees to maintain a sense of purpose and direction. This will keep them motivated, engaged, and working well together as a team. By setting clearly defined goals and expectations, you can help your remote team stay focused on reaching shared objectives. 

After you set goals, it’s important for remote employees to receive regular feedback on their performance—both in terms of goal-setting and expectations, as well as the results. Constructive feedback can help your team members grow and succeed. 

One of the best ways to engage remote employees is holding regular one-on-one meetings, which ensure everyone stays on track towards meeting shared goals. These regular check-ins can help you keep a pulse on team dynamics, find potential issues early on and give everyone the opportunity to collaborate and discuss any challenges they may be facing. 

Provide Support and Resources

Offering resources and training is essential in helping remote employees to develop their skills, stay up to date with the latest industry trends, and be more productive overall.

You can help your team members grow and develop professionally by providing access to online courses and other learning materials —which will benefit them but also help keep your organization stay competitive in a rapidly changing business landscape. 

It’s important to provide technical support for your remote team while supporting them, including making sure that everyone has the necessary equipment and software. Your employees should not have to worry about the inconveniences of using outdated technology! 

Finally, encourage employees to take breaks and prioritize their well-being by setting clear expectations around working hours.

It’s easy to overstep boundaries while working remotely, but don’t forget working remotely does not mean working 24/7! Promoting work-life balance can help your team members avoid employee burnout. 

Encourage Team Collaboration

It’s easy to feel isolated and lonely while working remotely, so in order to build a sense of community and shared purpose among your remote team, you need to promote teamwork.

By encouraging collaboration on projects and initiatives, you’ll help develop stronger relationships between employees over time. This, in turn, can help your team members feel more engaged and motivated, and can also lead to better outcomes for your organization. 

You can also encourage cross-functional teams and projects, which can help remote employees get to know each other and understand each other’s roles and responsibilities. 

Offer Flexibility

While remote work is inherently flexible, more flexibility is always welcome! One way to increase remote employee engagement and loyalty is through flexible scheduling.

You can help team members with competing personal responsibilities by giving them freedom to schedule their work—so they’ll be able to maintain both their workload and their commitments at home. 

Another way to provide flexibility for remote employees is through flexible work arrangements—for example, part-time work, job sharing or temporary leave. Working flexibly can help team members strike a balance between their work and personal lives and contribute to the success of your organization. 

Show Appreciation

Recognizing and celebrating your remote team’s milestones gives them a sense of belonging. This could include recognizing work anniversaries, congratulating team members on the completion of a significant project, or simply recognizing job well done—whatever form your celebration takes is up to you! 

Another great way to show your employees that you appreciate their hard work is by offering them incentives and rewards—such as bonuses, gift cards, or even paid time off. You can consider using a recognition software to make this process automatized and customizable.  

Recognizing the efforts of your remote workers can help you build a stronger, more cohesive team. This could include writing a short note of thanks or sending an email to the team congratulating them on a job well done or using recognition software to send instant recognitions. 

Encourage Autonomy and Independence

Encouraging autonomy and independence can be a great way to engage remote employees. While it can be challenging to manage a remote team, giving your employees the freedom to work in a way that suits them can be incredibly beneficial.

It’s important to trust your team members and give them the opportunity to take ownership of their work. 

One of the benefits of remote work is the flexibility it provides. Employees can often work more effectively when they have the autonomy to structure their own workday.

This can be especially important for remote workers who may be dealing with different time zones or other challenges that could impact their schedule. 

Offer Team Building Activities

One of the most important things you can do as a manager is to encourage social interaction between your remote employees to engage remote employees.

This can be done through team-building activities that are fun and rewarding, but also help your employees bond with each other and feel more comfortable working together.  

In order to increase remote employee engagement, give them opportunities for virtual team-building activities. This can mean encouraging them to interact outside of work-related tasks, such as by playing games together or sharing funny videos or photos.  


If you’re looking for ways to engage remote employees, we hope these tips will help get you started. They range from simple changes like thanking your employees or setting up a virtual office space where everyone can connect with each other, all the way up to more complex ideas like implementing an employee engagement software or creating a culture of innovation within your organization (or even individual teams).

No matter what kind of company or industry you work in, there are plenty of ways for everyone involved – whether they’re based at home or abroad – to feel more engaged and productive at work! Schedule a demo with Teamflect if you’d like to ramp up your remote employee engagement process!  

Written by Ezgi Cullu

Ezgi is a content writer and HR enthusiast working in Teamflect. Her goal is to provide creative uptakes on HR trends all over the world as a Gen-Z employee.

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