
45 Best Performance Review Questions for 2024

performance review questions

You’re not sure about which performance review questions to ask? Or maybe you’re looking for some fresh performance review question examples to save you from the tedium of using the same old tired performance appraisal questions year in and year out. Whatever the case is, we have you covered.

As you scroll down, you will find some of the best sample performance review questions our team could put together.

Each performance review question listed here serves a common goal. It is the same goal that every performance appraisal secretly serves: Strengthening the bond between employee and employer.

Whether that goes through accountability in the employee’s current role, performance review questions about career development, or simply asking questions on workplace culture, these sample questions are here to help!

So without wasting any more time on this long-winded introduction: Here are 45 sample performance review questions you should definitely start asking!

Ask questions the right way!

It’s not what you say, it is how you say it! We’ve all been in arguments with our significant others where this phrase came up. As frustrating as it may sound, are right! While the questions we’ve listed in this post are a great fit in any of your performance reviews, how you conduct those performance reviews can either make or break the entire process.

The outdated way of conducting reviews through cumbersome Word or Excel documents has truly given them a bad rep. As important as performance reviews are to the success of an organization, when everyone involved hates the process, they can’t be expected to yield effective results.

The best way to conduct performance appraisals is through the use of integrated performance review tools. If your organization uses Microsoft Teams on a daily basis, then Teamflect is the tool for you.

Through customizable Microsoft Teams performance review templates, Teamflect allows users to keep entire review cycles inside a single app. No going through spreadsheets upon spreadsheets of Excel files, or using a separate tool for 360-degree feedback.

Curious if Teamflect is the right performance review software for you? You can try it out for absolutely free, with no time limits, and without signing up!

Looking to streamline your performance reviews?
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45 Sample Performance Review Questions

1. Performance Review Questions About the Ongoing Position

We all know that focusing on the future plays a huge role in conducting effective performance reviews. That being said, asking performance review questions based on the employee’s current position in the organization is an absolute must!

The employee performance review question examples below were designed to help leaders get a clear grasp on how the reviewee is handling their current role within the company.

Below, you will find sample performance review questions on the employee’s current responsibilities, accomplishments, perceived strengths & areas of improvement, goal progression, and employee engagement.

Remember that even with all the employee performance metrics under the sun, when you’re measuring performance, you are trying to measure a continuous process. We hope the performance review question examples below can help you with the daunting task in your hands!

Job Duties & Responsibilities

  • Do you feel like your job duties and responsibilities align with your job description?
  • Are there any additional tasks or responsibilities you’d like to take on to expand your skillset?
  • Do you have the necessary resources and tools to perform your job effectively?

Accomplishments and Achievements:

  • What are some of the projects or tasks that you’re most proud of completing over the past year?
  • Are there any specific achievements or milestones you’d like to highlight?
  • Did you receive any positive feedback from clients or colleagues on your work?

Strengths and Areas for Improvement:

  • What do you think are your strongest skills and competencies?
  • Are there any areas where you’d like to improve or receive additional training?
  • What are some of the challenges you’ve faced in your role, and how did you overcome them?

Progress Towards Goals and Objectives:

  • How well have you progressed towards the goals you set for yourself at the last performance review?
  • Are there any goals that you didn’t achieve, and if so, what were the obstacles you faced?
  • Are there any new goals you’d like to set for yourself for the next performance review?

Job Satisfaction and Engagement:

  • How satisfied are you with your job and work environment?
  • Are there any changes you’d like to see in your job or work environment?
  • How engaged do you feel in your role and the company’s mission?

Performance Review Questions about Career Development

performance review questions about career development

When you are coming up with a list of employee evaluation questions or going through a bunch of sample performance review questions the way you are doing now, you should always know what purpose each performance review question serves.

Even simpler, you should always know the real purpose of performance reviews. Performance reviews aren’t just a way to hold employees accountable for their performance within the review period.

An effective performance review is a conversation and each conversation with your direct reports is an opportunity to get to know them better and to create further trust within the organization.

With each passing year, individuals grow less and less invested in the success of their organization. Gen-Z employees care less about what they can do for their company and more about what said the company can do for them.

And can you really blame them? When they look into the future, they see nothing but tech layoffs and uncertainty. Why do you think they are all quiet quitting?!

Asking the best performance management questions about career development and their future within the organization shows that you are invested in them just as much as you are expecting them to be invested in you.

Curiosity is an extremely strong tool that should be in the arsenal of every single leader. Show them that you care about their future by being curious about it:

Be curious, not judgemental.

Walt Whitman

Career Aspirations:

  • What are your long-term career goals?
  • How does your current role fit into your long-term career goals?
  • Are there any new skills or experiences you’d like to gain in order to achieve your career goals?

Performance and Career progression:

  • How well do you feel you’re performing in your current role?
  • What are some of the accomplishments or achievements that have helped you progress toward your career goals?
  • Are there any areas where you feel you could improve in order to progress toward your career goals?

Opportunities Within the Company:

  • Are there any career opportunities within the company that interest you?
  • Are there any departments or teams you’d like to learn more about?
  • Are there any mentors or colleagues within the company who have inspired you in your career?

Development and Training Needs:

  • Are there any new skills or experiences you’d like to gain in order to achieve your career goals?
  • What type of training or development opportunities would be helpful for you?
  • Are there any obstacles that have prevented you from pursuing training or development opportunities in the past?

Job satisfaction and Career growth:

  • How satisfied are you with your career growth within the company?
  • Are there any changes you’d like to see in terms of your career growth within the company?
  • What role do you see yourself playing in the company’s future?

Performance Review Questions about Culture and Relationships

Well-mapped-out performance review questions are like a swiss army knife: Multifunctional.

On a completely unrelated note: Who remembers the movie “Swiss Army Man”? What an unexpected treat that was, huh? Moving on.

You need to ask performance review questions that provide you with insights into the employee’s performance. Sure. That is a given.

While you’re at it, why not ask performance review questions that will give you a glimpse into what it feels like for someone to be a part of your organization? The data you receive from asking performance review questions can do so much more than help evaluate performance.

Your performance appraisal questions can help provide you with enough insight into your organization for entirely new strategies for employee engagement, creating a culture of empowerment, fostering workplace creativity, and more!

Teamwork and Collaboration:

  • Can you provide an example of a successful collaboration you had with a colleague?
  • Are there any colleagues you find it difficult to work with? If so, how have you tried to address the issue?
  • Is there anything the company could do to improve collaboration among teams or departments?


  • Are there any particular communication challenges you face in your role?
  • Is there anything the company could do to improve communication among employees or with clients?
  • Have you received any feedback from colleagues or clients that has helped you improve your communication?

Work-life Balance:

  • Are there any specific initiatives or resources you think would help improve work-life balance for employees?
  • Is there anything the company could do to help reduce stress or increase employee wellness?
  • Have you discussed any concerns about work-life balance with your manager or HR?

Company Culture:

  • Are there any specific values or aspects of the company culture that you find particularly motivating or inspiring?
  • Are there any areas where you think the company could do a better job of living up to its values or mission?
  • Have you discussed any concerns or suggestions about company culture with your manager or HR?

Follow-up about feedback and recognition:

  • Is there anything the company could do to improve the feedback or recognition process?
  • Is there any particular type of feedback or recognition that you find most helpful or motivating?
  • Are there any colleagues you think deserve more recognition for their work?

Finding the Best Way to Conduct Performance Reviews

The conventional way of conducting performance reviews

The performance review questions you ask have tremendous power. Do you know what else has a massive impact on your performance appraisals?

How you conduct them. For many organizations using excel performance review templates, word performance review templates, or pdf performance review templates seems to be the norm. Just because they are the norm, however, doesn’t mean they are the most effective way. In fact, they come with many different drawbacks:

Lack of real-time tracking

The absence of real-time tracking is one of the main drawbacks of utilizing excel, pdf, and word for performance reviews. Since data must be manually entered into the system, it is challenging to track employee performance in real-time with excel, pdf, and word.

Hence, it is challenging to obtain an accurate and current picture of employee performance. Also, the absence of real-time tracking makes it challenging to recognize issues promptly and take necessary action.

Difficulty in organizing data

Data organization is a challenge when utilizing Excel performance evaluation templates, which is another drawback. Large volumes of data cannot be stored and organized in Excel, PDF, or Word documents.

As a result, tracking performance over time and comparing performance across different personnel can be challenging. The manual data entry and document sorting required when utilizing excel, pdf, and word to track performance can also be time-consuming.

More room for error

Finally, using Excel, PDF, and Word for performance reviews has the potential to be biased. It might be challenging to guarantee that all staff is evaluated objectively and consistently without the right tools. Manual data entry might result in inaccuracies or errors, which can further increase bias in performance evaluations.

Using Performance Review Software

performance review questions

If you are spending all this time coming up with performance review questions, then you need to make sure that those performance review questions are in the most effective platform possible. That is why using employee performance review software is the single best way to conduct performance evaluations.

Some core advantages that come with using top-of-the-line performance review software are:

  • Review Cycle Automation
  • Performance Review Templates
  • 360-Degree Feedback
  • Complete Integration
  • Customizability

You can find some of the best performance appraisal tools in the market today right here: Top Performance Review Software of 2024.

While there are many different options available to consumers today, if you are part of an organization that uses Microsoft Teams, then the best option for you is:


performance review questions

Teamflect is an all-in-one performance management software, with one of the strongest performance review modules in the market today. Teamflect’s true strength lies in its seamless Microsoft Teams integration. Users can conduct entire performance review cycles with 360-degree feedback without even having to leave Microsoft Teams once.

Teamflect’s performance review module comes loaded with an extensive library of performance review templates, each with great sample performance review questions of their own.

The performance review questions within the templates are fully customizable, letting users cherry-pick their favorites and replace the ones they don’t like with performance review questions of their own.

Teamflect automatically integrates data such as goal completion, tasks completed within the review period, and kudos received within the review period into performance reviews. Can you imagine entering all that data into an excel performance review template manually? We know. That is our hell too.

Teamflect’s performance review templates include but aren’t limited to:

  • Annual – Quarterly – Monthly Performance Reviews
  • 30-60-90-180 Day Performance Reviews
  • Employee Exit Interviews
  • Goal Evaluation Reviews
  • Mentorship Program Reviews
  • 9-Box Grid Succession Planning
  • And more!

Conducting Performance Appraisals in Microsoft Teams with Teamflect

Let’s go through a quick demonstration of just how you can use Teamflect to go through performance reviews inside Microsoft Teams.

Step 1: Go into Teamflect’s Reviews Module

The first step si rather simple. All you have to do is go into the “Reviews” module by clicking on it on the left side bar, before selecting “New Review”.

This module is both a central hub as well as an archive for all the performance reviews you conduct in your organization.

Step 2: Choosing Your Performance Review Template

The next step would be to select the right performance review template for you. Teamflect has a massive library of performance review templates that can be applied to any situation. Teamflect users can customize these templates completely.

Some of the ways you can customize Teamflect’s review templates include:

  • Changing question types: Open-ended, Multiple Choice, Likert Scale, Rating, etc.
  • Integrating goal completion rates.
  • Integrating 360-degree feedback data.
  • Including an employee development plan.
  • Creating a custom evaluation criteria
  • Adding the 9-Box Talent Grid.

Step 3: Complete The Review

Once the review template has been sent out, the reviewee will receive both an e-mail alert, as well as an adaptive card inside Microsoft Teams, leading them to their performance review. Once both parties fill out the necessary information, the review is concluded.

Automating Review Cycles

The example we walked through was the manual way of setting these reviews up. Depending on the review type, you might want to consider the option to automate your performance reviews, streamlining the process. For performance appraisals conducted in regular intervals such as year-end or quarterly reviews, this is a far safer option. Teamflect allows for many different custom automation scenarios for you to set up.

Use the best performance review software for Microsoft Teams.
No sign-up required.
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Benefits of performance reviews

By conducting performance reviews regularly you can engage your employees and motivate them to perform their best. Below you can find the benefits of completing performance reviews.

1. Helps employees excel

Performance evaluations help employees who want to excel to a higher role. When you regularly evaluate your employees they will be able to create a plan for career growth.

2. Improves performance

When you share feedback with your employees they will improve their performance since they will be able to see areas for improvement more clearly. Positive feedback will motivate them to perform better as well because they will see that their contributions matter. Furthermore, positive feedback might mean monetary incentives and these incentives positively reinforce hard work as well.

3. Boosts employee engagement

By conducting performance reviews frequently you can show employees that you care about their efforts and this will increase employee engagement as well as employee loyalty. Seeing how their performance contributes to the success of their company will create employee engagement.

4. Help identify areas for improvement

Performance reviews help you determine who needs to receive more training as well as areas that need improvement. If at the end of a performance review you see that your employees are struggling to perform well on a certain task, you can provide a workshop to develop their skills.

5. Sets clear expectations

Performance reviews help managers set clear performance expectations by reiterating them. When employees have a more clear understanding of their job responsibilities, they’ll be able to perform better.

Frequently Asked Questions on Performance Reviews

Did you really expect us to write an article on questions to ask during a performance review, and not answer your questions about performance reviews? You will find below, some of the most frequently asked questions about performance reviews. Let’s tackle them all!

How to answer review questions?

How to answer performance review questions? Well, the simplest answer is: Be honest but not humble. Your performance review answers to performance review questions should paint you in an honest and believable light, without hiding your accomplishments.

Let’s make something very clear. You didn’t work this hard during the review period for your accomplishments to go unnoticed. As you’re answering the performance appraisal questions your managers pose you, make sure you highlight all the awesome work you did!

What questions to ask in a performance review?

What questions to ask during a performance review? Whether you are looking for performance review questions for managers or employees, the three critical categories of performance review questions are:

  • Goals and Objectives within the review period
  • Career development plans
  • Workplace culture

You should ask performance appraisal questions that cover these three areas.

How to answer self performance review questions?

Self-performance review questions are designed to help you reflect on your achievements, strengths, weaknesses, and areas of improvement over a specific period. Avoid exaggerating your accomplishments or downplaying your mistakes.

You can always use STAR method. What is the STAR method? The STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) is an effective way to structure your responses. It helps provide a clear picture of your achievements and the impact they have had on the organization.

What not to say in a performance review?

  • Never blame others!
  • Never make excuses for your mistakes!
  • Never be defensive against constructive criticism.

Avoid making assumptions about what your manager or colleagues think or feel. Instead, ask for clarification and feedback.

What questions should I ask in a 90-day performance review?

When asking employee review questions in a 90-day performance review, it is extremely important to remember that the person you are talking to is still a relative newcomer to the organization. That is why the performance appraisal questions you ask should be welcoming and positive.

  1. How are you finding your role so far? Is there anything that we can do to help support you?
  2. Are you feeling comfortable with the company’s culture and values? Is there anything that you think we could improve on?
  3. What has been your most significant accomplishment since starting in this role?
  4. Are you enjoying working with your colleagues and feeling included as part of the team?
  5. Have you had the opportunity to learn new skills or techniques since starting the job? What have you enjoyed learning the most?
  6. Is there anything that you would like to receive more training or support on?
  7. Have you been able to balance your workload effectively? If not, how can we help?
  8. What has been the most challenging part of the job so far? Is there anything that we can do to make it easier?
  9. Are there any projects or tasks that you feel particularly excited about working on in the future?
  10. Do you have any feedback for us on how we can improve our communication or collaboration as a team?

How do I give myself a good performance review?

Self-review has always been a tricky aspect of performance evaluations. When conducting your own self-appraisal, nothing works better than a bit of self-reflection and introspection. Channel your inner yoga guru and you’ll be set!

  • Think about your accomplishments over the review period. What did you do well, and what impact did it have on the organization?
  • Consider your strengths as an employee. What do you bring to the table that adds value to your work?
  • It never hurts to seek feedback from your colleagues or manager before going into the performance review.

What are good questions to ask managers in performance reviews?

Managers shouldn’t be the only ones asking questions during performance reviews. Asking questions to your manager during a performance review isn’t just a trick to help you shift power dynamics (Although it certainly works).

As we said before in this article: Performance reviews are a conversation. Aren’t conversations far more enjoyable when both sides are equally curious? So here are some questions you should ask your manager during performance reviews:

  1. How do you think I can improve my performance in this role? What specific areas should I focus on?
  2. What are your expectations of me in terms of performance and job responsibilities?
  3. How do you think I’m progressing toward my career goals?
  4. What training or development opportunities do you recommend to help me improve my skills?
  5. How do you think I can better collaborate with my colleagues or other departments?
  6. What projects or initiatives do you think I would be best suited for?
  7. What do you see as my key strengths and how can I leverage them to contribute more effectively to the organization?
  8. Are there any areas where you feel I could take on more responsibility or contribute more to the team?
  9. Can you provide specific examples of where I have excelled or where I could improve?
  10. Is there anything else you would like to discuss or share with me about my performance or the organization?

Wrapping things up

What a beautiful journey this has been! We set off with some of the best smart performance questions you can find online, before answering the internet’s most asked questions about performance reviews.

If you’ve stuck with us through the entirety of this article, we just want to remind you that no matter which questions you ask during performance appraisals, or whichever performance review frequency you choose to go with, you should always treat your performance evaluations as an opportunity to form a stronger bond with your team, as opposed to a box you need to tick.

We here at Teamflect, pride ourselves in providing our users with the best performance review experience available for Microsoft Teams or Outlook users.

Since Teamflect has a free plan with full functionality for up to 10 users, you can always schedule a demo and experience the difference Teamflect makes in performance appraisals for yourself!

Written by Emre Ok

Emre is a content writer at Teamflect who aims to share fun and unique insight into the world of performance management.

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