
The Best 30-60-90 Day Plan Templates + Examples Of 2024

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Don’t you just love it when a plan comes together? We all have a bit of Hannibal inside of us after all. We’re referring to the A-Team and not the Silence Of The Lambs of course. Don’t break out the cianti just yet!

All jokes aside 30-60-90 day plans are amazing performance management tools for large teams and individuals alike. Creating a 30-60-90 day plan ranks among the top best practices when onboarding new hires or promoting existing team members to new roles.

This week, we wanted to provide you with helpful tips on how to write 30-60-90 day plans, alongside helpful 30-60-90 day plan examples and effective 30-60-90 day plan templates! So what are we waiting for? Let’s get right to it!

A quick note before we start: If you are looking into these plans and templates, you might also be looking for a goal-setting template as well! Don’t worry, just fire this up on a separate tab:

9 Free Goal Setting Templates.

What Is A 30-60-90 Day Plan?

A 30/60/90 plan is a strategy that outlines your goals and objectives for the first three months of a new job or a new role within your company.

It’s a game plan that helps you focus your efforts, prioritize your tasks, and track your progress as you navigate your new responsibilities.

The plan is typically divided into three phases, with each phase representing 30 days, 60 days, and 90 days respectively.

The First 30 Days

During the first 30 days of your new role, your primary focus is usually on getting settled in and learning the ropes.

While some could liken this section of the 30-60-90 day plan to the honeymoon phase, completely full of sunshine and rainbows, it does come with some getting used to.

You may find yourself spending time getting to know your team, understanding the company culture and values, and familiarizing yourself with the processes and procedures of your new job.

This period might also be the timeframe when you begin to identify potential challenges and opportunities for improvement, which you can address in the upcoming phases of your plan.

This also happens to be a great time to start exchanging positive feedback with your team and boost morale alongside employee engagement.

The First 60 Days

As you move into the 60-day phase of your plan, your focus may shift towards executing key projects and making meaningful contributions to the organization.

You should definitely begin to take ownership of specific initiatives, work collaboratively with colleagues to achieve shared goals, and implement new ideas and strategies that align with the company’s objectives.

Taking ownership at this phase displays an impressive amount of commitment on your part and shows you have a knack for leadership.

Start measuring your progress and track your results, refining your approach based on feedback from your team and your supervisor.

If you are looking for some fresh HR-related initiatives: Best HR Initiatives of 2024.

The First 90 Days

By the time you reach the 90-day mark, your goal is to have established yourself as a valuable contributor to the company.

You should have a clear understanding of your job responsibilities, your team dynamics, and the organization’s priorities.

Having a complete grasp of how everything around you works brings with it a certain amount of confidence that should really impact your performance.

You should also be able to demonstrate your ability to achieve results, innovate, and adapt to changing circumstances by now. After all, you are now a full-fledged member of the team!

Reviews after each checkpoint

Conducting 30 60 90 day reviews after each checkpoint is the best practice when it comes to an effective onboarding process. If you want to automate these reviews, you can try using an integrated onboarding software such as Teamflect.

You can try using it for free, without signing up and with no time limits, inside Microsoft Teams. All you need to do is click the button below.

Use the best performance review software for Microsoft Teams.
No sign-up required.
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Wandering how you can conduct 30 60 90 day reviews inside Microsoft Teams? Here is a nifty little tutorial!

30-60-90 Day Plan Examples:

Example 1: 30-60-90 Day Plan For a Sales Manager:

30 Day Plan:

  • Clarify sales goals: Meet with the sales team and clarify sales goals for the quarter. Identify any gaps in the team’s understanding and develop a plan to fill those gaps.
  • Develop relationships with team members: Meet with each team member individually to understand their strengths and areas of development. Develop a plan for how to work together to achieve individual and team goals.
  • Conduct market research: Conduct research on the market and identify potential clients to target. Develop a list of prospects for the sales team to reach out to.

60 Day Plan:

  • Develop sales strategies: Develop sales strategies for the next quarter, based on market research and feedback from the sales team. Develop strategies for both new business and account management.
  • Develop sales training: Identify areas for sales team development and develop a sales training program to address these areas.
  • Build relationships with clients: Schedule meetings with key clients and develop relationships with them. Gain a deep understanding of their needs and develop strategies for how to best serve them.

90 Day Plan:

  • Implement new sales strategies: Roll out new sales strategies and track progress against sales goals. Identify areas for improvement and make adjustments as necessary.
  • Implement sales training: Implement a sales training program and track team members’ progress against development goals.
  • Measure success: Develop metrics to track the success of new strategies and training programs. Share progress with the team and celebrate successes.

Example 2: 30-60-90 Day Plan For a Marketing Manager:

30 Day Plan:

  • Meet with team members and key stakeholders to understand the current state of the marketing department, the key challenges and opportunities, and the short and long-term goals.
  • Conduct a thorough analysis of the company’s current marketing strategy, including customer segmentation, brand positioning, and market trends.
  • Develop a deep understanding of the company’s products, target market, and competitors.
  • Review the marketing budget and allocate resources according to the priorities of the business.
  • Identify areas for improvement in the marketing plan, such as optimizing the company’s digital marketing campaigns, improving the customer journey, or streamlining the sales funnel.
  • Begin to develop and implement new marketing initiatives that align with the company’s goals and objectives.

60 Day Plan:

  • Build a strong relationship with the sales team to better understand their needs and how marketing can support them.
  • Identify and prioritize key marketing projects that will have the most impact on the company’s growth.
  • Analyze the company’s marketing metrics and use the insights to refine the marketing strategy and make data-driven decisions.
  • Optimize the company’s website, social media channels, and other digital assets to improve lead generation and customer engagement.
  • Develop and execute a content marketing plan that aligns with the company’s messaging and brand voice.
  • Explore new marketing channels and tactics to expand the company’s reach and build brand awareness.

90 Day Plan:

  • Evaluate the impact of the new marketing initiatives and adjust the strategy accordingly.
  • Collaborate with other departments to ensure alignment on messaging and branding.
  • Develop a plan for ongoing measurement and analysis of marketing performance.
  • Finalize the marketing budget for the upcoming year and ensure that it aligns with the company’s goals and priorities.
  • Evaluate the marketing team’s performance and identify opportunities for professional development and growth.
  • Present a summary of accomplishments and plans for the future to the leadership team.

Example 3: 30-60-90 Day Plan for a Human Resources Manager

30 Day Plan:

  1. Get to know the company culture and values: Meet with key stakeholders, including the CEO, senior leadership, and department heads, to understand the company’s mission, vision, values, and culture.
  2. Evaluate existing HR policies and procedures: Review the current HR policies and procedures to identify areas for improvement or updating. Meet with HR staff and other department heads to get their feedback on what’s working and what’s not.
  3. Develop relationships with staff: Schedule one-on-one meetings with all HR team members to get to know them and understand their roles. Meet with other key staff to understand their needs and expectations of HR.
  4. Assess staffing needs: Work with department heads to identify staffing needs and develop a plan for recruiting and hiring new employees.
  5. Develop an HR strategy: Based on the information gathered, develop a comprehensive HR strategy that aligns with the company’s goals and objectives. Research current HR trends and create a strategy that is up to date.

60 Day Plan:

  1. Implement HR strategy: Begin implementing the HR strategy, including changes to policies and procedures, and start recruiting new staff members.
  2. Develop and conduct training programs: Develop and conduct training programs for HR staff and other employees on topics such as performance management, diversity and inclusion, and employee relations.
  3. Improve employee engagement: Develop and implement initiatives to improve employee engagement, such as employee recognition programs, regular feedback sessions, and career development plans.
  4. Review compensation and benefits: Review the company’s compensation and benefits packages to ensure they are competitive and in line with industry standards.
  5. Conduct a compliance audit: Review HR analytics software and procedures to ensure compliance with federal and state regulations.

90 Day Plan:

  1. Evaluate HR initiatives: Evaluate the effectiveness of HR initiatives implemented during the first 60 days and make any necessary adjustments.
  2. Develop long-term HR goals: Work with the senior leadership team to develop long-term HR goals and strategies.
  3. Improve communication channels: Develop and implement initiatives to improve communication channels between HR and other departments.
  4. Build external relationships: Build relationships with industry organizations and attend networking events to stay up-to-date on HR trends and best practices.
  5. Review recruitment process: Review the recruitment process and make any necessary changes to improve the quality of new hires.

30-60-90 Day Plan Templates

30-60-90 day plan example

HR managers should use a 30-60-90 day plan because it is an effective tool for managing employee performance and ensuring that new hires are successfully integrated into the organization.

This particular 30-60 90-day plan template outlines specific goals and objectives for the employee to achieve during their first three months on the job.

This in turn lets the HR manager set expectations and provide clear direction, which can help the employee stay focused and motivated.

The 30-60-90 day plan can be used as a performance evaluation tool as well, allowing the HR manager to assess the employee’s progress and make any necessary adjustments to their training or development.

30-60-90 day plan example

Using a 30-60-90 day plan is an excellent tool for account managers for several reasons. Why? Because it simply helps them hit the ground running and achieve success quickly in their new role.

The plan provides a roadmap of what they need to achieve in the first three months and keeps their focus on the most important activities and stay on track to meet their goals.

What Are The Benefits Of 30-60-90 Day Plans?

Benefits of 30-60-90 day plans

1. Clarifies priorities and goals

Having a 30-60-90 day plan helps you clarify your priorities and goals in the first few months of your new role. The first three months on the job can be intimidating. breaking down your objectives into manageable pieces helps make sure you are focusing on the most important tasks and making progress towards your goals. Taking advantage of OKR software definitely helps here.

2. Demonstrates initiative

Creating a 30-60-90 day plan shows your employer that you are proactive, invested in your role, and willing to take the initiative to succeed. Demonstrating how you are willing to map out the next three months can help you build trust with your employer and position yourself as a valuable asset to the organization.

3. Helps with time management

A 30-60-90 day plan can help you stay on track and avoid feeling overwhelmed by the amount of new information and responsibilities you need to absorb.

Dividing your initial three months at an organization into achievable milestones will help you manage all the difficulties of managing time and responsibilities in your first months.

4. Provides structure and direction

The plan provides a structure and direction to your work, helping you make steady progress toward your objectives. Having a plan in place keeps you focused, engaged, and most importantly, accountable.

5. Facilitates communication

Creating a 30-60-90 day plan can help you communicate with your supervisor and team about your goals, priorities, and progress. You will always have an answer to the question “What are you up to these days?”. That translates into an improved relationship with your management and colleagues.

What Are The Challenges Of 30-60-90 Day Plans?

1. Time constraints

Crafting a comprehensive plan within a short timeframe can be challenging, especially when considering the need for thorough research and analysis. Processes like gathering data, market research, and the evaluation of internal processes can be a tricky balance when you’re trying to meet business needs.

2. Ambiguity

Uncertainty about the role, expectations, and organizational dynamics can make it difficult to create a detailed plan that aligns with the company’s goals and objectives. Lack of clarity at any level in 30-60-90 day plans can lead to misalignments and unmet expectations.

3. Resource Limitations

Limited access to resources, such as data, tools, or personnel, may hinder the development and implementation of the plan. If you don’t possess the right software or other tools, it can be hard to keep the steps on your 30-60-90 day plan smooth sailing and meet objectives in the given time frames.

4. Alignment

Aligning the plan with the organization’s strategic priorities and gaining buy-in from key stakeholders can be challenging, especially in complex organizational structures. It’s not always easy to manage alignment due to competing agendas and schedules in such organizations and it is why effective stakeholder engagement is a must.

5. Measuring Progress

Establishing metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure progress and success can be challenging, particularly when dealing with qualitative objectives or outcomes. Identifying realistic and objective-related metrics need to come from certain benchmarks of your industry otherwise it can be hard to provide an insightful monitoring during your 30-60-90 plan.

9 Useful Tips For Creating A 30-60-90 Day Plan

To determine what you should focus on while creating a 30-60-90 day plan, you need to understand how you can help the new hire in the first 90 days. Below are nine ways of creating an impactful 30-60-90 day plan.

  1. Set SMART goals 
  2. Establish your employees’ priorities
  3. Promote career growth
  4. Encourage time to reflect on employee strengths and weaknesses
  5. Create goals for the first month, second month, and third month 
  6. Collect feedback from your peers and direct reports 
  7. Create opportunities for continuous learning about the company culture 
  8. Make adjustments when needed
  9. Follow up  

When To Use A 30-60-90 Day Plan

What situations will your 30 60 90 day plan be the most effective in? Let’s dive right in.

30-60-90 day plan for an interview 

You can consider creating a 30-60-90 day plan for your interviews if you want to impress your potential employer. For instance, an employee who is applying for a sales role can put together a 30-60-90 day plan which includes what they can focus on in their new position.

30-60-90 day plan for a new job

30 60 90 plans are more frequently used in the employee onboarding process because they help both hiring managers and new hires. It helps you set performance expectations for the next three months.

Performance Management Software

Creating 30-60-90 day plans is only half the battle. Keeping up with them and making the absolute most of them is an entirely different beast to overcome.

This is where taking advantage of a performance management solution can make all the difference. We’ve highlighted some of the best ones you can find right here:

That being said, if your organization uses Microsoft Teams on a daily basis, then the best option for you would be:


30-60-90 day plan

Teamflect is an official Microsoft partner and the best performance management software for Microsoft Teams. With complete Microsoft Teams integration, Teamflect lets users manage tasks, set goals, exchange recognition, and conduct highly effective meetings, without ever having to leave Microsoft Teams.

As a highly efficient task software, Teamflect lets users assign and track tasks from inside even inside team chat, providing the perfect tool to make sure your 30-60-90 day plans are executed to perfection!

Other Teamflect features include but aren’t limited to:

  • Employee Engagement Surveys
  • An extensive library of customizable performance review templates
  • Customizable employee recognition badges
  • A strong meeting module with comprehensive meeting agendas
  • So much more!
Looking to streamline your performance reviews?
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Frequently Asked Questions

What Is a 30-60-90 Day Plan?

A 30-60-90 day plan is a strategy that outlines your goals and objectives for the first three months of a new job or a new role within your current company. It’s a game plan that helps you focus your efforts, prioritize your tasks, and track your progress as you navigate your new responsibilities. The plan is typically divided into three phases, with each phase representing 30 days, 60 days, and 90 days respectively.

What are the benefits of 30-60-90 day plans?

  1. Clarifies priorities and goals
  2. Demonstrates initiative
  3. Helps with time management
  4. Provides structure and direction
  5. Facilitates communication

What are some mistakes to avoid with 30 60 90 day plans?

Setting Unrealistic Expectations: While it’s essential to be ambitious, setting unrealistic expectations is a common pitfall. We are after all, only talking about a one to three-month period. That isn’t very long now, is it?

Overloading a 30-60-90 day plan with too many objectives can overwhelm individuals and lead to burnout. Ensure that your goals are challenging but also attainable within the designated time frames.

Neglecting Prioritization: Setting tasks for the upcoming 30-60-90 days is great but your job as a leader doesn’t end with task assignments. A common mistake is failing to prioritize tasks and goals within the 30-60-90 day plans.

Without clear priorities, individuals may find themselves scattered, trying to accomplish everything at once. Establishing a clear order of importance for tasks can help individuals focus on what matters most.

Ignoring Flexibility: What is that old saying about the best-laid plans of mice and men? Circumstances change. Plans go down the drain and new ones need to be made. That is why rigidity can be detrimental to 30-60-90-day plans.

The unexpected can happen, and unforeseen challenges can arise. A mistake to avoid is not allowing room for adjustments and flexibility within the plan. Plans should be adaptable to accommodate changing circumstances.

Short-Term Focus Only: 30-60-90 day plans are designed to provide short-term structure, but another mistake is neglecting the long-term perspective. These plans should ideally align with broader career or organizational goals. It is imperative to ensure that short-term actions contribute to long-term success.

All in all, a well-structured 30-60-90 day plan is a highly powerful tool to use when striving for your goals and objectives. It provides you with a valuable roadmap that gives a clear direction of where you’re headed and how you can get to your envisioned future in your business.

This structured approach of a strategic plan you will craft is not only a key part of your road to success but also a very important asset in your real growth as a person and a business. 30-60-90 day plans promise short-term success and the enablement of continued improvement and sustained success.

Whether you apply it in a personal or professional setting, as an employee or a leader, 30-60-90-day plans prove to be effective in turning aspirations into tangible, measurable outcomes. Use this guide and craft one of your own to start succeeding!

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Written by Emre Ok

Emre is a content writer at Teamflect who aims to share fun and unique insight into the world of performance management.

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