
55 Effective Performance Review Phrases For Remote Teams

Performance review phrases

There is no doubt that the performance review phrases of your team are an essential part of motivating your employees and keeping them happy in their work. While there are many ways to go about doing this, the goal of every performance review should be the same: to keep your team members striving toward success and help them do even better next time around.

So, to make sure you hit the right note with your feedback, here are some of the most effective performance review phrases to use when conducting remote performance appraisals with your team members this year. 

55 Effective Performance Review Phrases For Remote Teams

It is vital to take note that regardless of whether you give the sharpest, most detailed, most inspirational, and customized performance reviews, doing it in the absence of others’ feedback will not take you far. Therefore, performance review phrases should exist within a more central performance management environment to be successful.

It incorporates yearly and mid-year audits. Apart from this, it includes regular check-ins, delivering ordinary applause, and an overall culture of criticism. 

Different Categories of Employee Performance 

Here, in this guide, we will let you know about different classifications of employee performance, trailed by explicit instances of performance review phrases. The vast majority of the performance appraisals that we have features are utilized to show that an employee either meets or exceeds expectations. 

Communication And Co-Operation 

When assessing workers on communicative and co-operational skills, please make sure to go past their capacity to send concise and compact emails. It is a fact that communication skills vary from person to person.

Therefore, it is critical to explicitly discuss how an employee’s communication skill upholds their accomplishment in the job, whether by extending associations with organization accomplices or providing constructive feedback and clear direction. 

Here, we have added a few performances review phrases that indicate that an employee is exceeding or meeting communication expectations: 

  1. Frequently requests prompt criticism to ensure and clarify understanding 
  1. Regularly asks thoughtfully formed or well-prepared questions 
  1. Asks follow-up inquiries that pinpoint misconceptions or an absence of foreknowledge 
  1. Exhibits a comical inclination and brings liveliness to the business transactions 
  1. Comfortably says, “I don’t know. Can I get you back later?” 
  1. Ask other workers for their perspectives and make your co-workers feel happy with contributing 
  1. Builds solid working associations with other inner divisions 
  1. Allows others to collaborate, communicate and cooperate by sharing knowledge and welcoming others to do likewise 
  1. Unequivocally conveys key results, objectives, and expectations to colleagues 

Now, we will be talking about some performance review phrases that show that employees need to make improvements in communication and cooperation: 

  1. It can be wordy that making it hard for them to impart an unmistakable message 
  1. Breaks down the complicated issues into manageable and sensible parts 
  1. Much of the time arrives behind schedule at meetings and upsets the work process for other workers 
  1. Always takes credit for the works done by others, particularly when it is not merited 
  1. Does not share information with other workers unless they request it straightforwardly 


When it comes to elaborating on achievements, managers must highlight the employees’ performance. They need to tell how their performance is helping the organization to achieve goals and schedules. 

Here, we have added some employee performance review phrases that indicate that an employee is exceeding or meeting achievement expectations: 

  1. Improve the communication process by including up to three explicit examples 
  1. Improve production or service to a certain extent. For example: improve X service or X product by Y% 

Phrases that indicate that the workers need to make improvements in achievement expectations: 

  1. Frequently reports the absence of required resources that will help them to play their job role adequately 
  1. Faces problems when it comes to delivering error-free work and meeting the project deadlines 
  1. Often fails to give timely updates or make demands for help when tasks are not going in the expected direction 

Teamwork And Collaboration 

The success of the organization relies upon teamwork and collaboration among the employees. As in physical teams, one of the most important aspects to evaluate in remote teams is teamwork.

A good employee is the one who is open to teamwork and collaboration, and you can use our work from home performance review examples for your next review.

Here, we will discuss the performance review phrases showing an employee is exceeding or meeting collaboration expectations. 

  1. Elevates the team’s productivity and performance by adding a few examples 
  1. Advances team cooperation and encourages participation from different members 
  1. Fabricates effective teams by assisting colleagues with taking advantage of their natural abilities 
  1. Cultivates a feeling of solidarity in groups, which empowers individuals to achieve the true goal 
  1. Gives respect to respectful dialogue when settling interpersonal challenges and problems 
  1. Delivers a positive attitude and encouragement to adjust the constructive criticism 

Here, we have added performance review examples showing an employee has to improve in collaboration: 

  1. Unable to provide hands-on support or emotional encouragement to colleagues who are battling 
  1. Discourages colleagues by interfering in team meetings 
  1. Shows unusual behaviors and reacts aggressively when their position is challenged 

Creativity And Innovation 

When you focus on the organization’s growth, you need creative employees who can produce innovative ideas. In addition, employees can generate fresh hypotheses, and problem-solving tactics can positively help the organization’s growth. Therefore, it is vital to acknowledge the employees’ creativity in problem-solving and idea generation. 

Performance review examples that indicate that the employee is exceeding or meeting the innovation expectations:

  1. Makes an interpretation of innovative thoughts into a viable application to solve critical issues 
  1. Induces inventive cooperation in groups by welcoming different viewpoints 
  1. Settled long-standing X issue with the innovative workaround 
  1. Consistently delivers innovative solutions when stood up to obstructions 
  1. Has the capability to understand when to go with creative risks and when to stay with the more traditional arrangements 
  1. Drives innovativeness across the group by searching out alternative perspectives and embracing trial and error 
  1. Thinks out of the box to find out the best answer for a specific issue 
  1. Shrewd changes when given new data and thoughts 
  1. Contributes creative thoughts in a bunch of projects 
  1. Urges associates to be imaginative 

Now, we will be covering some employee performance review phrases that clearly show that an employee will have to make improvements in innovation 

  1. Struggles to make adjustments as per the needs of the client 
  1. Shows hesitance in embracing new thoughts and methodologies 
  1. Showing unwillingness to embrace the creative thoughts of peers 
  1. Exhibits a lack of engagement in contributing inventive or creative ideas 
  1. Is reluctant and inflexible to adjust when given new information 
  1. Appears to be reluctant to face challenges, even after presenting a convincing explanation 
  1. Fails to encourage others to take innovative and creative risks 
  1. Reluctant to track down more successful ways of taking care of job activities 

Flexibility And Adaptability 

Flexibility and adaptability are other skill sets playing a crucial role in the organization’s growth. Especially when you’re conducting a performance review for remote employees. There are many possible problems an employee can face while working remotely, and it is important to adapt to these unexpected hardships easily. Use our selection of performance review phrases examples to see if your remote employees are up for a flexible approach!

Here, we have added performance review phrases showing an employee is exceeding or meeting the flexibility as well as adaptability expectations:

  1. Shows positive attitude and management skills  
  1. Keeps up with levelheadedness when confronted with unforeseen or unpleasant circumstances 
  1. Is putting up with constructive criticism and constructive feedback 
  1. Stays calm under extreme pressure 
  1. Rapidly adjusts to another activity when an unforeseen issue emerges 

Now, we will be talking about the employee performance review phrases that show that an employee will have to make improvements in adaptability and flexibility 

  1. Shows hesitation when it comes to taking new assignments 
  1. Becomes unfocused and frustrated when confronted with unexpected challenges 
  1. Does not perform well when requires a serious level of adaptability 
  1. Becomes unsettled when the arrangement changes 

Leadership and Guidance

Evaluating leadership skills are important, especially for promising employees that can become your next leaders. Don’t be fooled by thinking that leadership is not a crucial skill for remote employees, since every organization needs new leaders. That’s why you need performance review phrases for your next performance review on leadership.

Now, let’s see some employee performance review phrases about leadership and guidance:

  1. Displays strong leadership skills by setting clear goals and expectations for remote team members
  2. Leads by example, exhibiting a strong work ethic and commitment to the team’s goals
  3. Provides timely and constructive feedback to remote team members, helping them improve their performance
  4. Gives tasks and responsibilities effectively, using the strengths of individual team members
  5. Shows excellent problem-solving skills in resolving conflicts and addressing challenges within the remote team

We can’t just talk about positive performance review phrases, so here are some examples that shows an employee lacks excellent leadership skills:

  1. Fails to inspire or motivate the remote team, resulting in low morale and decreased productivity
  2. Shows a tendency to micromanage remote team members, impeding their autonomy and creativity.
  3. Creates a negative work environment through a lack of respect and appreciation for remote team members’ efforts

Time Management

It’s easy to get carried away and lose track of time while working from home. The distractions you face at a home-office are countless! That’s why although time management is an important skill for all employees, it’s crucial for remote ones. We recommend including a part where you evaluate time management in your next performance appraisal for remote employees.

Here are our remote employee performance review phrases for evaluating time management:

  1. Consistently meets or exceeds productivity targets and deadlines, demonstrating excellent time management skills
  2. Sets challenging but achievable goals for remote team members, encouraging a culture of high performance
  3. Takes ownership of tasks and projects, showing accountability and delivering high-quality results
  4. Sets clear and realistic timelines for projects, resulting in successful and timely outcomes
  5. Effectively prioritizes tasks and focuses on high-priority projects
  6. Adapts quickly to changing priorities and deadlines, effectively managing time in a dynamic remote work environment
  7. Is able to address potential time issues

If you’re looking for phrases that will show an employee lacks time management skills to include in performance review for remote employees:

  1. Struggles to meet deadlines consistently, indicating poor time management skills
  2. Frequently misses deadlines, causing delays in project completion and negatively impacting the team
  3. Sets unrealistic timelines for projects, resulting in rushed deliverables
  4. Often underestimates the time required for tasks, leading to missed deadlines and increased stress
  5. Appears disorganized in remote work tasks

So, these are the 75 effective employee performance review phrases for remote teams. We hope that this guide will help managers evaluate the core components of behavior and performance. 

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What Is a Performance Review? 

Performance-review-phrases have a direct impact on the employees’ performance. Performance appraisals are a series of words or phrases used when conducting a performance review or communicating with an employee about expectations. When you share Performance Review Phrases, you make sure your performance expectations are clear and explicit, so both parties know what is expected from each other. 

It would be best not to use performance review phrases to give negative feedback. In addition to this, you should always avoid constructive criticism. As a result, you will always get effective performance. Therefore, to use performance review examples effectively, they should be used sparingly and never replace constructive feedback.  

Why Do Performance Review Phrases Matter For Remote Teams?  

Understanding the importance of performance-review-phrases is particularly important. Management skills play a crucial role in the success of any organization.

The success of your team and organization relies heavily on your ability to manage and motivate each member – both your direct reports and you. Well, if you cannot interact face-to-face with everyone regularly, things can get complicated quickly. It can hamper the overall company culture.  

Performance appraisals are crucial no matter where you are located or how often you interact with others, but it becomes even more critical in remote teams. It can enhance the employees’ engagement as well.

Think about it: If someone isn’t performing as expected, they may be able to hide behind their desk. It could take weeks before you know there is an issue! 

Tips for Writing A Performance Review Paragraph

Since we have talked about the definition of performance appraisals, what about how to write a performance review for an employee? Here are a few tips for writing an efficient performance review!

Begin with a strong sentence that makes a claim. This is your opportunity to make sure that you have the reader’s attention from the start. If you can’t get them engaged in your first sentence, there’s little hope for the rest of your review.

Give examples of how this employee contributed to the company. This can be done by listing specific accomplishments that occurred under his/her leadership or pay attention to any growth he/she may have experienced during their employment at your firm.

Give examples of how this employee excelled at his/her job and what made him/her stand out among others in his/her field. A clear understanding of this individual’s strengths will help you highlight them in your review so you can point out ways in which they could improve upon them as well as provide suggestions on ways they could grow into more senior roles within your organization if possible.

When writing a performance review paragraph, it’s important to use specific details and examples when you describe the employee’s performance.

General statements such as “the employee is performing well” are not very convincing because they don’t explain exactly how or why the employee is performing well. Specific details and examples help your reader understand what you mean by this statement. It also helps them to compare your employee’s performance with others’ in the same position.

At the end of the day, a performance evaluation is all about being true to yourself. You can have all the overall performance review phrases in the world but non of those performance evaluation phrases can help you if you don’t really believe you are ready for the performance evaluation.

While we truly believe the performance review phrases examples we brought you in this article are effective and helpful, the true power to ace a performance review doesn’t rest in using performance evaluation phrases. The real key to doing incredible in performance appraisals is confidence in your work, as opposed to using fancy performance review phrases examples.

Performance review phrases you MUST avoid!

There is no sugar coating this section. We’ve already told you what to say. Now let’s move on to the performance review phrases that should not under any circumstances, see the light of day!

“You always/never do this…”

This type of performance review phrase tends to oversimplify complex behaviors and can come across as overly judgmental. It’s important to avoid absolutes like “always” or “never” when discussing performance. Instead, provide specific examples and feedback based on actual instances.

“You should be more like Todd…”

This is a great way to make sure Todd is the new office pariah! Comparing an employee to a colleague can be discouraging and counterproductive. Every employee has unique strengths and areas for improvement. It’s better to focus on their individual progress and development rather than making unfavorable comparisons.

“Your performance is terrible.”

Using overly negative language without constructive feedback can be demoralizing. Instead, be specific about areas that need improvement and offer guidance on how to make those improvements. Use constructive criticism to help employees grow.

“You’re lucky to have a job here.”

Threatening job security during a performance review is both unprofessional and counterproductive. It creates fear and anxiety rather than fostering a positive environment for growth. Focus on performance improvement and career development instead.

“You’ll never change.”

Discouraging statements like this can undermine an employee’s motivation to improve. It’s essential to maintain a positive and supportive tone during performance review discussions. Instead, express confidence in an employee’s ability to grow and develop.

What are Performance Review Examples?

Performance reviews are an important part of any employee’s career. They help you keep track of your goals, and they give you feedback from your supervisor, so you can know where to improve. But sometimes it can feel like there are so many different types of performance reviews out there! How do you know which one is best for you? Here are some performance review examples.

The annual performance review is the most common type of performance review. It’s usually conducted once a year and focuses on employee progress, goals, and objectives over the course of the year. The annual performance review employee self-evaluation examples is a great way for managers to ensure that employees have the tools they need to succeed and that their goals are aligned with the company’s overall objectives. It can also be an opportunity to discuss areas of improvement and provide feedback on how these issues can be addressed.

A quarterly review is similar to an annual review, but it typically happens more frequently over the course of three months. Quarterly reviews are a great way for managers to keep tabs on an employee’s performance and ensure that they’re staying on track with their goals. This type of review is especially helpful when there are specific deadlines or projects due in the near future.

In 360-degree reviews, employees are reviewed by their immediate peers, supervisors, and subordinates. 360-degree performance reviews are important since employee comments on performance review example is a great way to get feedback.

Employee exit interviews are held after an employee leaves to help you understand why they left, what could have been done to keep them around longer and how to improve your company culture.

Performance Review F.A.Q

How do you write an impactful performance review phrase?

Providing your employee with actionable feedback requires clear, valuable performance phrases. Both you and your employees will benefit when they meet these criteria. To create effective performance phrases, follow the guide above

What should I say in a performance review?

Feel free to share your thoughts and concerns about your work experience with your employees. In order to meet the needs of their employees, employers often appreciate the insight into individual employee experiences.

Closing Remarks

While performance review phrases can play a huge role in the effectiveness of your performance reviews, your manner of conducting performance reviews really matters in the process too! If you’re conducting performance reviews for remote employees or you’re looking to digitize your performance review process, then there is no better alternative then Teamflect.

With how intuitive and efficient Teamflect’s performance review templates are, you won’t even need to refer to performance review phrases to get you through your performance appraisals. You will simply utilize the customizable questions given to you and review away!

Written by Emily Helen Arnold

Emily Helen Arnold is a content writer at Teamflect. She is obsessed with organizational behavior studies and loves writing/thinking about how a carefully designed people strategy can transform a company.

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