In the heart of California's picturesque rural landscape lies Nevada County, an area known for its unique challenges and diverse community needs. At the forefront of addressing these challenges is the Information and General Services Agency, a department dedicated to ensuring the efficient and effective operation of county services. We had the privilege of interviewing Joshua White, a Senior Administrative Analyst for Nevada County's Information and General Services Agency.
Faced with the task of balancing day-to-day operations with long-term goals, Nevada County turned to Teamflect, a dynamic tool designed to enhance visibility and collaboration across various departments. This decision marked the beginning of a significant shift in how the county managed its internal goal-setting processes and set the stage for a story of successful transformation and improved efficiency.
"With Teamflect, it's easy to see right in front of you what our goals are and how everyone is supporting those goals."
Joshua White – Senior Administrative Analyst
Nevada County uses Teamflect, primarily for goal setting within their Information and General Services Agency. Before Teamflect, they were using dated solutions for goal setting which were static and not interactive. The switch to Teamflect made the entire process more intuitive and visible.
Joshua elaborates on their switch to using Teamflect and the ability to quickly translate to use of Excel when necessary: "We have a criteria for reviewing our goals that we're implementing, which is the SMART criteria. The ability actually to pull out what's been built in Teamflect as far as department goals into an Excel document has been really useful for me as I go through and audit them and create notes."
Whether our users are setting SMART goals, or managing OKRs, we made sure that Teamflect provides them with all the right tools to manage their process effectively.
"Teamflect came out on top. Some of the reasons for that was the integration with Microsoft Teams and its ease of use."
The question of how an organization chooses Teamflect is one that we're always eager to answer. Joshua shed some light on their selection process. The selection of Teamflect was a meticulous process, involving a scoring team comprising leadership and staff across various departments.
After reviewing the literature on the subject and attending demos for various products, their scoring team landed on Teamflect. Joshua explains their reasons for going with Teamflect as: "... ease of use, integration, the ability to facilitate and support one-on-one meetings between supervisors and employees was also an important thing for us."
Once Teamflect was selected, the implementation of Teamflect in Nevada County was carefully phased. "It wasn't a hard switchover," Joshua states. "We introduced module by module and allowed users to get in, explore the program, and ask questions."
"I'd say it's been a very useful program and tool to help our organization mature. "
We here at Teamflect are proud to be able to help the incredible organizations in our community reach their full potential so it makes us really happy to hear Joshua explain: "It has allowed us to bring visibility to those tasks that I think before were shoved to the side, forgotten about, and really delayed."
Teamflect always aims to help foster collaboration and mindfulness at an organizational level, allowing different departments to view and support each other's goals. We are incredibly glad to hear that we have helped Neavada County achieve just that, by standardizing one-on-one meetings between supervisors and employees, leading to a more consistent management approach as well as increasing visibility in their goal setting and tracking process.
"One great thing that I appreciated is that communication between our organization and Teamflect is pretty timely."
We here at Teamflect pride ourselves in our customer success team. All our users in the Teamflect Pro Plan have their own dedicated customer success manager assigned to them, helping them with everything from implementation support to end-user training.
Joshua talks about his experience with their dedicated customer success manager as such: "If I submit a ticket or if I reach out to our organizational rep, I get an email back pretty quick.".
It was an absolute pleasure to catch up with Joshua and all the awesome things they are doing over at Nevada County. Their careful selection and application of Teamflect for their goal-setting process as well as support for Supervisor / Employee 1:1s are an example to all the other awesome organizations in our Teamflect community. We are incredibly excited to be a part of their performance management journey!