Employee Praise Software

The perfect software for praising teams within Teams!

Give your employees the praise they deserve! Praise your teams right inside Microsoft Teams

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Full functionality. Up to 10 users. No time limit

Teamflect given recognition screen with comments and worker names


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Give your team praise for a job well done!

Knowing when to give employees praise is a sign of a great leader. Teamflect is here to make the lives of those leaders a lot easier!

 teamflect recognition module screen with customizable badges inside microsoft teams

Praise your team members your way.

Out of the countless ways to praise your employees, which one is best? That would be your way! Use employee praise software that can adapt to your company culture.

  • Customizable employee praise badges to reflect your company values
  • Create manager/admin-only praises to recognize high performers
  • Send private praise to celebrate success in confidential projects

Integrate your customizable employee praise tool into every single Microsoft Teams meeting!

Provide the leaders in your organization with the perfect tool to praise their direct reports during one-on-one meetings!

teamflect one on one meeting agenda with new recognition button
 Teamflect recognition card in Microsoft Teams channels

Feed your praise directly into Teams channels with engaging cards.

Implement your recognition and praise strategies without hassle, using a simple interface that everyone will get the hang of.

Praise people on the spot! Give praise right inside Teams chat!

Reap all the benefits of a strong employee praise culture without having to leave Microsoft Teams chat!

teamflect message extension in microsoft teams with a magnifier on new recognition button
teamflect add-in and new recognition button in microsoft outlook

Use Outlook to praise your teammates by using Teamflect's Outlook Add-in.

Teamflect's Outlook integration makes praising employees even easier! We've gone above and beyond to make sure you can give praise across every platform you use.

Generate amazing reports and insights around your praise, using Power BI!

Tracking the praise given and received, alongside employee engagement metrics and receiving insights on them is easier than ever with Teamflect!

See a sample report
Reports and data page of Teamflect with a Power BI logo
asian woman and black man giving each other a high-five

Employee praise leads to improved employee engagement and performance

Employee praise is a wonderful way to boost motivation and engagement within teams! When we recognize and reward each other collectively, it creates a sense of shared accomplishment and pride. This can lead to increased motivation and engagement among team members, making the team more productive and successful.

Alongside individual employee praise, team praise can also have a positive impact on employee retention and job satisfaction. When employees feel their contributions are being recognized and valued by their entire team, the sense of belonging and satisfaction is undeniable. This can be especially great for managers and leaders too, as it helps to create a culture of recognition and positive reinforcement within the organization.

That being said, practicing employee praise in a remote setting or through your digital communication tools can be harder than usual. That is why we are here! So go ahead, give your team members a virtual high-five and watch the morale soar with Teamflect!

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Whether you are praising employees individually, practicing team praise, or simply looking for ways to praise employees, it is incredibly important to keep a professional tone as you praise your employees. Be specific about their actions or accomplishments. This helps to make the praise more meaningful and effective. Remember to accompany your praise and recognition with feedback.

There is no absolutely fixed way to praise an employee for good work. That being said, your employee praise should cover these three bases:

Be Specific: When praising an employee, be specific about their actions or accomplishments. This helps to make the praise more meaningful and effective.

Be Timely: Try to deliver praise as soon as possible after the action or accomplishment. This will make the praise feel more sincere and impactful.

Provide Recognition in Different Forms: Praise can come in many forms, such as verbal recognition, written feedback, bonuses, or promotions.

A praise application for Microsoft Teams allows you to easily recognize and reward employees for their efforts and accomplishments without having to leave the platform. Using a praise application for Microsoft Teams can save time and increase efficiency.

Using a praise application within Microsoft Teams, allows you to recognize and reward employees in a way that is visible to others, making it more likely to have a positive impact on employee motivation and engagement.

Avoid vague statements and instead focus on particular actions or behaviors that deserve recognition. For example, instead of saying "Good job," you can say "I appreciate how you handled that difficult customer situation with professionalism and patience."

Choose positive and uplifting language when giving praise. Use words that convey genuine appreciation and recognition, such as "excellent," "impressive," "outstanding," or "commendable." Avoid backhanded compliments or sarcasm, as these can be interpreted as insincere.

Expressing gratitude to an employee is a huge part of employee engagement. Rewards and recognition / employee kudos programs can be great ways to express gratitude to employees. There is some very effective employee recognition software available to users. While some can be found as standalone tools, they often come integrated into employee engagement software or performance management systems .

Employee praise software, also known as employee kudos programs or employee recognition platforms, are digital tools or platforms designed to facilitate and streamline the process of recognizing and praising employees for their accomplishments, efforts, and contributions in the workplace. They play an incredible role in remote team management since they allow leaders to make sure no employee feels left behind.

Employee praise software serve many different functions such as:

1. Social recognition: These platforms often provide a social feed or newsfeed where employees can give shout-outs, comments, or likes to recognize and appreciate their colleagues' achievements. This encourages a culture of peer-to-peer recognition and fosters a positive work environment.

2. Analytics and reporting: Employee praise software may also include analytics and reporting features that provide insights and data on recognition trends, top performers, and overall engagement levels. Having your employee praise software also function as an HR analytics software is a great way to measure the effectiveness of your recognition programs.

Engage your employees with smooth Team Praise practices!

Employee praise is an integral part of keeping employees engaged. While there are multiple different ways to praise employees or teams, employee praise should be a simple and easy process. Making employee praise a part of your daily operations shouldn't be a difficult process in remote models. Think about how you praise your team face-to-face. That is how easy it should be to praise an employee for good work while working remotely.

Teamflect as a remote employee recognition and praise software is designed to make sure you praise hardworking employees effectively and easily. Team praise or individual employee praise shouldn't be something anyone should hold back. Praising employees should be incredibly convenient! And with Teamflect, it is!

The correlation between team praise, individual employee praise, and employee engagement is undeniable. Whenever leaders praise high-performing employees, they reinforce and encourage all the amazing practices that have led to those employees performing at such a high level. There isn't a fixed method of employee praise or team praise. There aren't templates for employee praise words that leaders can simply borrow from.

Employee praise and recognition examples change heavily depending on the culture of each organization. That is why Teamflect's employee praise software lets users set their own employee praise examples by customizing the employee praise and team praise badges within the Teamflect app any way they see fit. The customizable praise and recognition badges within Teamflect along with its strong Microsoft Teams integration make Teamflect the best employee praise tool for Microsoft Teams.

Can I integrate Teamflect praise into Outlook?

Yes, you can! Teamflect's complete Outlook integration allows you to give praise through Outlook as well. This way you can keep boosting morale not only through Teams chat but also e-mails!

Can I customize praise badges in Teamflect?

Yes! While we provide you with an extensive set of employee praise badges for Microsoft Teams, you can customize your recognition and make it fit your organizational culture.

What are the benefits of using Microsoft Teams employee praise software?

Employee praise plays a huge role in keeping your employees engaged. Using Microsoft Teams recognition software such as Teamflect makes sure recognitions are always in the flow of work.

Is Teamflect really a free employee praise software?

Yes, Teamflect is a totally free employee praise software for Microsoft Teams. Teamflect's free plan has all the features its pro plan does. As long as you have 10 users or fewer, you can use Teamflect with full functionality for as long as you want, for free! If you want to have more than 10 users, you need to move to our Pro Plan which starts from $5 per user / per month.

Do you have a question about our Praise software built for Microsoft Teams? Get in touch!

To learn more about Teamflect's Free Praise tool, you can contact us or start using it for free straight away if you want less than 10 users on our platform.